[원조홍박사] KBL 안양 정관장 vs 서울 삼성 12월16일 경기 분석

514 0 0 2023-12-16 11:04:54 신고
※ 5회 신고 누적시 자동 게시물이 블라인드 처리됩니다. 단 허위 신고시 신고자는 경고 또는 불이익을 받을 수 있습니다.

Anyang Cheongkwanjang vs Seoul Samsung


Anyang Cheonggwanjang,
Anyang Jeonggwanjang took the lead in the second half of the away game against .After parting ways with Spellman, who was with me during the season, I am left to take on the role of a foreign player on my own for the time being3and eventually , Unusually, director Kim Sang-sik expressed his dissatisfaction with Spellman. rebounds, but the poor performance of foreign players proved to be a big problem8Kim Gyeong-won and Korean players who had previously struggled, such as Choi Seong-won and Jeong Hyo-geun, scored double-digit scores, while . , but it did not lead to victory in the end. DBWonju



Seoul Samsung,
SeoulSamsungSuwonKT victory in expedition The losing streak ended with. Although the opponent's main scoring pillar left due to injury, the performance of domestic players stood out. Veteran players such as Lee Jeong-hyun and Lee Dong-yeop side by side scored more than 10 , Hong Gyeong-eun, recruited from SeoulSK, 3 Scored 13 points, including 36 rebounds 20Also, Coburn had . It was a game3point shots .



Dr. Hong Opinion,
Seoul Samsunghas a , It appears that Anyang Jeonggwanjang will have to focus on Munro for the time being due to the breakup with Spellman, who had poor balance.. Judge to win. enoughchance. In preparation for this, Jonghyun Lee, Kyungwon Kim, Kim Cheol-wook and others will be on the offensive in terms of volume, but we also need to check if there is a risk of quickly falling into foul trouble. Seoul Samsung announced a rebound due to the active participation of Lee Jeong-hyun and Lee Won-seok in the last game, and,this is what it looked like. If this continues, Seoul Samsung's winning streak seems likely to succeed.



[General Win/Loss] Samsung Wins

[Win 5 Losses] 5

[Handicap] Samsung wins

[Under Over] Over ▲

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