아재들만 기억하는 쟈니 카슨 쇼에서 쟈니 카슨이 연기한 일명 "Who is on first." 루틴을 변형한 콩트입니다. 한국에선 1루수가 누구야?라는 유머로도 유명하죠.
아래는 대본입니다.
Reagan (into a speakerphone): Would you send in Jim Baker please?
(Jim Baker walks in.)
Baker: 'Morning Mr. President.
Reagan: Well, good morning, Jim, just sit down.
(Baker does.)
Baker: Your press conference is scheduled to begin in an hour, so we only have a short time for me to brief you on the kind of subjects the press may throw at you.
Reagan: Well, now, the environment is on their minds, I'm sure they'll ask me about my Secretary of the Interior.
Baker: Watt.
Reagan: I said, I'm sure they'll ask me about my Secretary of the Interior.
Baker: Watt.
Reagan: Jim, I just told you I think they'll ask about my Secretary of the Interior.
Baker: James Watt. You're scheduled to go swimming with him tomorrow morning at the Y.
Reagan: Where?
Baker: Y.
Reagan: Y.
Baker: That's right. With Watt.
Reagan: With Watt, I don't even know with who, Jim.
Baker: Not Hu, Watt.
Reagan: Well, now, let's get this straight. I'm going swimming tomorrow with who?
Baker: Watt.
Reagan: Where?
Baker: Y.
(about 10 seconds of applause.)
Reagan: Let's go on to the Middle East now, I'll need the first name of the head of the PLO, that Arafat guy.
Baker: Yassir.
Reagan: I said I'll need the first name of the head of the PLO.
Baker: Yassir.
Reagan: Jim, it's nice of you to be polite, but what is his name?
Baker: No, sir, Yassir.
Reagan: Well, you're giving me two different answers, Jim. What is his name?
Baker: No, sir, Yassir.
Reagan: Well, now, I asked you what is the first name of the head of the PLO, and you tell me no, sir.
Baker: That's right.
Reagan: Then you tell me, yes, sir.
Baker: Absolutely. You got it.
Reagan: I got what?
Baker: He's the Secretary of the Interior.
Reagan: Jim, I don't understand why you're doing this to me.
(phone rings. Jim answers it.)
Baker (to person on phone): Oval office, Baker. Yes? You have the head of the Republic of China calling for the President. Premier Chung Dung Hu. Hold on.
(to Reagan) Mr. President, Hu's on the phone.
Reagan: Well, now, Jim, I don't know. Who's on the phone?
Baker: That is correct.
Reagan: What's correct?
Baker: No, he's your Secretary of the Interior.
Reagan: Now Jim, let's just start all over here, very quietly. Just tell me, Jim, who is on the phone?
Baker: Hu is on the phone.
Reagan: Who?
Baker: Yeah, sir.
Reagan: That Arafat guy is on the phone, Jim?
Baker: No, sir, Hu is.
Reagan: What?
Baker: Swimming... (simultaneously, Reagan frustrated) Tomorrow morning at the Y.
"Who is on first." 개그 오리지날 버전(이해하기 힘들어요 ㅜㅜ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=134&v=kTcRRaXV-fg
1루수가 누구야: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=3DNaj8R4HJg
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